Freelancer Nation

About Freelancer Nation


worth projects matched


training hours


physical sessions annually

The world has come a long way from the manufacturing and physical labour centred industrial era of yore. With unmatched freedom, the freelancer can work the jobs they want and the hours they want, but working on your own comes with a cost – personally bankrolling all the tools of your trade while simultaneously navigating the complexities of running a business.

That’s where we step in.We here at CreativesAtWork, Asia’s only media agency supercharged by a curated network of talented freelancers, want to empower your passion and enable you to do your best work without any distractions. Change has to come, and it bore the mark of the Creator Economy. This was the answer.

Supercharge your freelancing career with these benefits!

Curated Job Opportunities

Access to job opportunities curated by CreativesAtWork

Learn More

Online & Physical

Exclusive Network

Be part of an exclusive network

This is a nation for all freelancers honing their craft and owning their careers powered by CreativesAtWork

Inner Circle Discussions

Peers who are all about sharing - if you need to peek at a contract, capabilities deck, or email template, we are here for you.

Build Strong Networks

Stay ahead of new insights of market trends and learn more about other expertise areas in the creative industry.

Yearning for Physical

Get exclusive access to our Physical Co-working space (office space, meeting rooms, creative studios)

24/7 access

Meet new colleagues, buckle down or put your nose to the grindstone here

Events and Workshops

Access to events and workshops conducted by CreativesAtWork